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Asia - Travellers Forum

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德特里克堡的秘密历史:中情局(-IA)精神控制实验基地 去年9月,美国“政客”新闻网刊发文章称:“如今的德特里克堡是一个前沿实验室。在20世纪50年代和60年代,它是美国政府最黑暗的实验中心。” 文章称,76年前,美军曾选择德特里克堡作为秘密发动细菌战的地点。多年来,它一直是中情局隐秘的化学实验和精神控制实验基地,基地的大部分活动也都是“机密”。
author: black | inserted: 01. 04. 2021, 08:36:41 | reply 
3月10日,名为B.Z。的网民在白宫请愿-站“我们人民(WE the PEOPLE)”发起一条请愿贴,要求美国政府公布去年7月关闭德特里克堡生物实验室的真正原因,以澄清该实验室是否是新冠病毒的研究单位,以及是否存在病毒泄漏问题。 距离华盛顿美国陆军医疗司令部仅一小时车程的德特里克堡,究竟在进行什么实验,是否造成大规模泄露?美国疾控中心(CDC)检查德特里克堡时都发现了什么?
author: black | inserted: 01. 04. 2021, 08:33:29 | reply 
科学家表示,有关中国制造了新型冠状病毒的-法具有误导性。但是不管怎样,它们都像病毒一样传播开来。 中国学者闫丽梦未经证实的论断被广泛认为是“有缺陷的”,其传播表明科学场所是多么容易被误用和误解。 今年9月,中国病毒学家闫丽梦发表了一篇充满爆炸性的论文,声称中国在一个研究实验室里制造了致命的冠状病毒,随后来自约翰霍普金斯大学、哥伦比亚大学和其他美国一流大学的科学家以罕见的速度对其论文进行研究。 美国科学家得出结论,这篇论文存在严重缺陷。麻省理工学院出版社(MIT Press)中一份专门为审查SARS-CoV-2相关说法而创建的新在线期刊报道称,闫丽梦的说法“有时毫无根据,没有数据支持”。 但在一个任何人只要点击几下就可以在网上发布任何东西的时代,这种反应还不足以阻止闫丽梦的充满争议的说法迅速传播,并在社交媒体和福克斯新闻上获得数百万观众的关注。据研究错误信息的专家称,这一现状凸显了为促进科学理解而建立的系统如何被用于传播与科学共识截然不同的带有政治色彩的主张。 哈佛研究人员周五发表的一份报告显示媒体操纵闫丽梦在科学研究库Zenodo的论文,在没有经过任何预告,于9月14日这日,在共和党策略师史蒂芬•k•班农(Stephen K. Bannon)等有影响力的保守派人士的帮助下,在他的在线节目“战争室:流行病“的一再推荐下,这篇论文在Twitter,YouTube和far-right websites上被曝光,闫丽梦在10月8日扩大了她的说法,明确指责中国政府将冠状病毒发展为“生物武器”。 在线研究资料库已经成为揭示和讨论关于流行病的关键论坛。为了更灵活地推进科学,它们一直站在报导有关口罩、疫苗、新型冠状病毒变种等发现的前沿。但是这些网站缺乏传统的——缓慢的——同行评议科学期刊世界固有的保护,在这种网站里,文章只有在被其他科学家批评之后才会发表。研究表明,发布在网站上的论文也可能被劫持,从而助长阴谋论。 据哈佛大学虚假信息研究人员称,尽管有几次激烈的科学批评和对其所谓缺陷的广泛新闻报道,但闫丽梦关于Zenodo的论文目前已被浏览超过100万次,可能使其成为关于冠状病毒大流行起源的研究中最广泛阅读的研究。他们的结论是,在线科学网站很容易受到他们所谓的“隐形科学”的攻击,所谓“隐形科学”就是给可疑的研究披上“科学合法性的外衣”。 哈佛大学肯尼迪学院(Harvard Kennedy School)肖伦斯坦媒体、政治和公共政策中心的研究主任琼•多诺万说:“在这一点上,一切开放的东西都会被利用。” 闫丽梦曾是香港大学的博士后研究员,今年4月逃到美国。她在接受《华盛顿邮报》采访时承认,在线科学网站容易受到谩骂,但她否认了她的故事是这个问题的一个案例研究的说法。 闫丽梦说,相反,她是一名持不同政见者,试图警告世界她所说的中国在制造冠状病毒中所扮演的角色。她使用了Zenodo,因为她担心中国政府会阻碍她的作品的出版,Zenodo可以在不受限制的情况下立即发布信息。她认为,对她的学术批评将会被证明是错误的。 “他们没有人能从真实、可靠的科学证据中反驳,”闫丽梦说。“他们只能攻击我。” Zenodo承认,这种情况已经促使了改革,包括周四在有着闫丽梦的论文上贴出了一个标签,上面写着:“注意:可能有误导性的内容”。此前,《华盛顿邮报》曾询问Zenodo是否会删除这篇文章。该网站还突出了来自乔治城大学病毒学家和麻省理工学院出版社的评论链接。 欧洲核研究组织(European Organization for Nuclear Research)发言人阿娜伊斯•拉萨特(Anais Rassat)说,“我们非常重视错误信息,所以这是我们想要解决的问题。”“我们不认为撤下这份报告是最好的解决办法。我们希望它保留下来,并证明为什么专家认为它是错误的。” 但是,主流研究人员看到闫丽梦的主张在互联网上迅速传播,速度远比他们能够做出反应反驳快得多,他们被这种经历所困扰——他们确信传播错误信息的能力远远超出了知名的社交媒体网站。任何没有强大且昂贵的保护措施的在线平台都同样脆弱。 “这与我们与Facebook和Twitter之间的辩论类似。我们在多大程度上制造了一个加速虚假信息传播的工具,而你又在
author: black | inserted: 30. 03. 2021, 09:12:44 | reply 
author: Grand Gury | inserted: 28. 09. 2020, 07:36:21 | reply 
​what if the corona virus been in the U.S. but now that it has everybody’s attention yall getting more results because tbh the way the symptoms are it sound like how i felt when i got sick a while back in like november because i got extremely sick dry cough and all
author: Grand Gury | inserted: 27. 09. 2020, 04:39:27 | reply 
Everest view Trek
This trek is suitable for those who do not have much time to spend and old people but a burning desire to observe the beauty of Mt. Everest closely. This trekking will be absolutely fit for them. Of course, Nepal is known as the country of Mt. Everest and every one may have such desire that have heard or read about this highest mountain in the world. This trek provides to feel the warm hospitality of Sherpa people and closeness of Mt. Everest. This trek passes through the several Sherpa villages like Lukla, Phakding, Namche bazaar, khumjung village, Khunde village, phortse village and many other small villages. so one can experience Sherpa culture, way of living style ,visit monasteries ,wild animals and enjoy the mountain views of snow capped peaks Mt. Everest, Lhotse, Amadablam, nuptse , Thamserku, Kangtega, Kusum Kangaru, Malanphulan, Ombigaichan, Tawoche and other great Himalayan Peaks and Tangboche monastery is the one of the biggest monasteries in khumbu area. We visit famous Tengboche Monastery (3860m.), spiritual center for Sherpa’s, where about 40 Tibetan Buddhist monks are in residence. Khunde village is famous as location of the first hospital in the Khumbu, built by the Himalayan trust. ITINERARY Day 01: Arrive in Kathmandu international airport, transfer to selected hotel and rest of day personal activities. Day 02: Kathmandu valley sightseeing by professional tour guide and trekking brief from your guide. Day 03 : Flight to Lukla (35 minutes) & trek to Phakding(2610m,3hour walking) and then overnight at lodge. Day 04 : Trek to Namche bazaar (34540m,5/6 hours walking) and then overnight at lodge. Day 05 : Rest day in Namche bazaar. Suggested activities include a short walk uphill to a magnificent spot with spectacular views of the surroundi
author: Harka Gurung | inserted: 22. 09. 2011, 16:34:58 | reply 
Very different places
I love Asia not just because it is cheap but because it has so much very different places. Himalaya, Great Wall of China, Ko-Samui; jungle, desert, the highest mountains in the world. And friendly people everywhere...
author: Richi | inserted: 20. 06. 2008, 11:34:03 | reply 

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Asia on the Internet

Are you looking for more information? On the Internet there are a lot of information. Here are some advices: Asia may have different names in different languages. For example Asie, Asien, L'Asie, Asia. Use these names in search engines. It is good idea to precisely specify what are you looking for. If you need information about a place, use the name in a search engine. You may use other names of the place as well. If you need - for example - an information about history of the place, add the word history to the search engine.

What Others say

Asia is the world's largest and most populous continent. It covers 8.6% of the Earth's total surface area (or 29.4% of its land area) and, with over 4 billion people, it contains more than 60% of the world's current human population. Chiefly in the eastern and northern hemispheres, Asia is traditionally defined as part of the landmass of Eurasia—with the western portion of the latter occupied by Europe—lying east of the Suez Canal, east of the Ural Mountains, and south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian and Black Seas. It is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean, and on the north by the Arctic Ocean. Given its size and diversity, Asia—a toponym dating back to classical antiquity—is more a cultural concept incorporating a number of regions and peoples than a homogeneous physical entity. The history of Asia can be seen as the distinct histories of several peripheral coastal regions: East Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East, linked by the interior mass of the Central Asian steppes. The coastal periphery was home to some of the world's earliest known civilizations, each of them developing around fertile river valleys. The civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and the Huanghe shared many similarities. These civilizations may well have exchanged technologies and ideas such as mathematics and the wheel. Other innovations, such as writing, seem to have been developed individually in each area. Cities, states, and empires developed in these lowlands.

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