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Brazil - transport and timetables

Here are the available transport types, which you can use while in Brazil. You can find here links to transport companies, their timetables and transport rules. The transport may be public (city transport, trains, buses, ships) or private, even special one. We believe it will help you to move to the places you want to visit.

Brazil - trains

Brazil - trains

Brazil - ships

Brazil - ships

Brazil - airlines

Brazil - airlines

Brazil - city transport

Brazil - city transport
Our links to pages with timetables, ticket reservations and other transportation information lead to third-party pages. We are not responsible for possible inaccuracies on these pages.

Transport - quick Help

1) It is often possible to switch the pages with timetables to a world language. Look for a switch. It is usually shown as a flag (for example flag of England).
2) We recommend to find some important words in a vocabulary. For example: departure, arrival, station, work-day, weekend, holidays, supplementary charge, reservation etc.
3) Transport prices can change quite often. You can usually find valid prices at the links on this page. Taxi prices in most countries depend on prices of gasoline and on price level in the country (and work-force price). You can find the price level on the main page of every country.
4) Some of the linked pages show information from one transport company, other show more complete information including transport connections.
5) Try to get accurate information before any of your journeys. It is good to know if the tickets are available in advance or even at all. For some routes and in some periods it may be necessary to book tickets in advance.
6) If you want to buy cheap tickets for your low-budget travel, then try to buy the tickets in advance. It is often possible to get discount for airline tickets this way, but not only for them.

Transportation information

Regarding transportation every country has its specialities. Brazil is no exception here. On the left side of this page you can find selected links to different kinds of transports in this country. We have selected transports, which may be useful for your travel around this country. Some kinds of them may be quick, other just interesting (for example some boats or trains).

Available places

If you use public transport then you can go to these most interesting places:
  • Rio de Janeiro (Jesus atop Corcovado Hill + Sugar Loaf rock + Santa Teresa quarter + Copacabana beach)
  • Iguacu Falls
  • Pantanal National Park (wetlands + wildlife)
  • Manaus city + Amazonia (Teatro Amazonas + market-hall Adolpho Lisboa + floating harbor + Ponta Negra beach) + junction of Rio Negro and Rio Solimoes rivers
  • Salvador (former capital - Pelourinho quarter + beaches) + Itaparica and Ilha dos Frades islands
  • Bonito - ecotourism destination
  • beautiful city of Ouro Preto (Baroque architecture - UNESCO) + Mariana city mines
  • Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park (rock formations)
  • Itatiaia National Park
  • Brasilia (modern cathedral + Tres Poderes square + National theatre - Aztec pyramid + President palace)

And to a lot of others indeed. We have selected these: Aracaju, Aracuai, Belem, Belo Horizonte, Bumado, Campo Grande, Colatina, Crateus, Cuiaba, Diamantina, Eunapolis, Floriano, Fortaleza, Franca, Goias, Grajau, Iguacu NP, Imperatriz, Itabira, Jardim, Jequile, Londrina, Macae, Maceio, Manaus, Mocoro, Montes Claros, Nova Friburgo, Olinda, Ouro Preto, Palmas, Pantal Conservation Area, Petrolina, Picos, Porto Velho, Presidente Prudente, Recife, Salvador, Salvador de Bahia, Santa Luzia, Sao carlos, Sao Luis, Sao Paulo, Serra da Capivara NP, Taua, Tocantins, Tupa, Uberlandia, Uruacu, Vitoria
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